Jake Bequette, who’s challenging incumbent Republican Sen. John Boozman in the GOP primary race for U.S. Senate, announced today his endorsement by two Republican congressmen.

It illustrates that Bequette is running to the right of Boozman, a space so narrow it’s hard to see how anyone could squeeze in.

With endorsements by Republican Reps. Burgess Owens of Utah and Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, Bequette gives it a try.

Owens, like Bequette, is a former professional football player. He’s also a crackpot. Example:

When he took the stage at the Turning Point USA’s “America Fest” in Phoenix on Sunday, Utah Rep. Burgess Owens urged the young women in the crowd to “keep their standards high” so that “real men will strive to achieve your respect.” Owens then attacked transgender people, the COVID-19 vaccine and suggested the use of violence as characteristics that men should aspire to.

Cawthorn is, of course, even nuttier. As Indyweek put it, he’s a “Trump sycophant, documented liar, and all-around terrible human.” He has advanced the lie about a stolen election so far as to suggest there should be “bloodshed” if Trump’s lies weren’t addressed.

Bequette’s news release said he and Burgess share a deep concern about Critical Race Theory, which is NOT being taught in Arkansas or anywhere else except perhaps in graduate college courses.

Retired senior editor of the Arkansas Times.