A far=-right website not particularly well-known for its reliability is promoting a purported surreptitious recording of Trump-endorsed Sen.John Boozman seemingly speaking truthfully for a change. He seems to say the 2020 election was legitimately decided and that Mike Pence was correct not to upend the counting of electoral votes.

This is nothing more than simple truth grounded in constitutional law. But it is high treason in the eyes of Trumpers, particularly given Trump’s endorsement of Boozman, which the senator trumpets in campaign ads.

The billionaire-backed Patriot benchwarmer Jake Bequette, running against Boozman from the right (hard to imagine there’s room there, but Bequette has found it), calls Boozman out.

Senate candidate and Army veteran Jake Bequette released the following statement regarding John Boozman’s recent comments mocking President Trump and the millions of America First patriots who care about election integrity:

“This video proves what we always knew. John Boozman is an anti-Trump RINO who only stands with President Trump when he stands to benefit. Behind the scenes, he’s more than happy to attack the President, laugh at him, and criticize his calls for increased election integrity. Publicly, Boozman has called the 2020 election “free and fair,” defended Liz Cheney’s impeachment vote, said that President Trump should be criminally liable for January 6th, and stated that Donald Trump shouldn’t run for President in 2024. Now we know he’s also been mocking Donald Trump when he thinks no one is listening.

The bottom line is that at every point Boozman has had to choose between siding with President Donald Trump or the radical left and the weak Republican establishment, Boozman has chosen the latter.

My stance on the 2020 election has been clear from the beginning: It was an absolute dumpster fire and a way for weak Republicans and Democrats to steal the presidency from Donald Trump. Unlike John Boozman, I’m proud to stand with President Trump and the millions of American
patriots across the country demanding a nationwide forensic audit and an investigation into the fraud, cheating, and unconstitutional changes that were made during the 2020 election.”

A pox on all of them.

Retired senior editor of the Arkansas Times.